Monday, May 17, 2010

Tree commission's view: New fund, new ordinances would protect Duluth’s canopy; Duluth, MN

Tree commission's view: New fund, new ordinances would protect Duluth’s canopy Duluth News Tribune Duluth, Minnesota:
One proposal would create a city account, a Tree Fund, to be used only for the planting and maintenance of public trees. Deposits may come from the city, private donations or from fines for damaging public trees.
The current ordinance prohibits storing wood material infected with Dutch elm disease or oak wilt. Another update we’re advocating would add three other pests to the list: emerald ash borer, Asian long-horned beetle and gypsy moth. The city forester would have the authority to confiscate infected material.
With the arrival of the emerald ash borer, we expect an explosion of demand for tree-removal services, which carries inherent risk. To protect homeowners from unqualified vendors, all tree service companies operating in the city would be required to obtain a license and provide proof of insurance under another update to the tree ordinance.

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