Thursday, November 19, 2009

Campus grove that witnessed graduation of more than 1,000,000 students at risk from pressures of land use, resources, weather; Lawrence, KS

‘Green space’ on campus is endangered
On the northern slope of Mount Oread, near the Campanile, sits more than a hundred 40-foot tall, sturdy walnut trees; their black trunks are a stark contrast to the green grass that envelops them during the summer.
Rushing to class, students often miss this forest rooted in the heart of campus. But Marvin Grove has stood timeless amidst the rapid changes around it for more than 100 years.
It has seen the turn of two centuries and the veterans of both world wars. It witnessed the civil rights rallies that threatened to tear the University in two. And on the sidelines of graduation hill, the grove stood by as more than 1 million students leave the University behind in pursuit of their futures.
The roots of these trees go almost as deep as the University itself, anchoring the grove in the institution’s past and its present.
But weather, age and development are endangering the existence of the grove and other natural space on campus.

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