Saturday, November 28, 2009

Closing America's Climate Gap Between Rich and Poor; USA

Closing America's Climate Gap Between Rich and Poor
The gap between rich and poor as a result of mitigating climate change could become overwhelming if policymakers aren’t careful to evaluate the steps needed to ensure both effectiveness and social justice, a new report from the University of Southern California warns.
The analysis by USC’s Program for Environmental and Regional Equality (PERE) essentially tries to identify the impact that climate change — and its remedies — will have on people at the lower end of the socioeconomic scale.
Think of it as seeing trees in an attempt to define a forest.
The Climate Gap report focuses on human rights, public health and social justice from a climate change and climate change amelioration perspective, defining those areas most likely to impact the poor, beginning with extreme heat and ending with biofuel production.
PERE Director Manuel Pastor, a professor in USC's Geography and American Studies and Ethnicity Department, defines it as a vital domestic component of climate legislation.

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