Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Lanham sector plan on its way to being finalized - includes UTC enhancements; Lanham, MD

Sector plan on its way to being finalized: "Sector plan on its way to being finalized
Recommendations would make streets safer, improve bus service
by Liz Skalski Staff Writer"
Preliminary recommendations for a revised sector plan, which has been in the works since last July, include adding speed humps to some neighborhood streets to slow down drivers, creating shopping centers and improving bus service and MARC ridership, according to M-NCPPC planners.
Short-term plans include continuing the historic surveying of and documenting of work throughout the planning area, building a public library at the Glenn Dale Community Center site, evaluating stream corridors for blockages and ensuring that the needs of pedestrians and bicyclists are considered in the design of new roads and road improvements.
Long-term plans include increasing the urban tree canopy through vegetation along roads, in median strips and within neighborhoods; renovating or replacing facilities rated "poor" by a 2008 physical conditions assessment, like the Howard B. Owens Science Center in Lanham; and widening Lanham-Severn Road to a four-lane road to decrease traffic congestion.

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