Thursday, May 19, 2011

Town looks to tree protection, solar panels, zip cars as elements of green strategy bundle - Belmont, MA

After Stretch, Colton Looks To Trees, Sun And A Zip - Belmont, MA Patch

Colton's initial priority is to return with a revised 'tree' by-law in which homeowners and contractors would be required to replace specified 'protected' trees over a specific diameter with trees equaling the one removed or by donating money into a town fund.
The 'tree' article was initially brought before last month's Town Meeting but was withdrawn as the prevailing sentiment was it was heading for a large defeat.
Colton admitted that the original wording was a bit too strident for most people and "it wasn't explained in the right way." 
"It has to be changed," he said, which the energy committee will do over the summer with some prospects that the revised version will be brought before a special fall Town Meeting. 

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